Thursday, 18 June 2020

potatoes OR karma?

this is no ordinary bag of potatoes .. it is really special - it is one i bought from a big grocery store on Friday (29th May) evening .. but after paying for it - along with few other items - i left the checkout counter little absent minded maybe .. i forgot to pick it up (and i wasn't even aware)

i had checked it off from my list of things to buy - and came home with almost all things from that list .. and then i got a call (after an hour or so) from a friend - whom i did interact with at the store .. no hand-shake of course - just 'namaste' :-) from safe distance

he asked - did i forget a bag of potatoes at the store .. it so happened - that he was there with his dad - and they too bought a similar bag .. and they were just behind me at the counter - and out of confusion - they carried my forgotten bag of potatoes along with their rightfully purchased one .. only when they reached home and unloaded stuff from the vehicle - they realized they both carried one bag each of potatoes (assuming it was their own; the one they paid for) - and the friend mentioned it is extra one they carried - so was thinking to return it back to the store - when his father reminded him about me - and mentioned he did see me carry/pay for a bag of potatoes too ...

when he called and asked and explained the above situation - it is then i realized - i had not been aware that i was missing the bag of potatoes i was supposed to bring home along with other grocery items .. he then said he will drop at our place - soon - which actually happened on Mon (1st June)

i was very happy to know - that even in a big box store - where many do shopping - there was a friend sent by the almighty looking after my special bag of potatoes :-) .. really grateful to the universe for all the blessings

it reminded me of a subhashitam (#187 here)

यथा धेनुसहस्त्रेषु वत्सो विन्दति मातरम् |
तथा पूर्वकॄतं कर्म कर्तारमनुगच्छति ||
- महाभारत

yathaa dhenusahastreShu vatso vindati maataram |
tathaa puurvakRRItaM karma kartaaramanugachChati ||
- mahaabhaarata

which means "Calf recognizes its mother among the herd of thousands of cows; the same way, karma of previous birth (good and bad deeds) goes with the doer."

it also reminded me of somewhat similar incident i had experienced some 2 decades ago .. i was studying for one of my Master degree's interim exam at friends place overnight ... woke up in the morning and rushed for the exam venue - and while getting on to my two wheeler (a scooter) dropped my prized wrist watch (hmt brand) - and when i reached the venue - couldn't find it ... and then my friend (where i was studying overnight) came after me (on his own two wheeler) and asked me if i was missing my watch .. it so happened he noticed it and picked up .. and all fell in place for me by grace of Almighty .. :-)

i am grateful for the GRACE!

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