Monday, 1 June 2020

learn from the past?

I recall 'grand' story I have heard about my 'great-grand-father' .. according to the 'legend' that goes around in our household - he was once very hard-working and had to work as farm-hand to earn his livelihood (and make ends meet) ... but then he made mental note of all the places he toiled at and somehow became land-lord of all those farms through his great deeds .. and would have many people working for him as farm-hands.

He had 3 sons ..

one of his grand-son - my father - vaguely remembers (when he was very young) that on arrival of a new-born child in the extended family, a cow would be set aside - milk/etc from that cow would be for that particular young one :-)

I like to think he understood the way 'the abundance of universe' works and was in alignment with 'law of attraction' to grow by being in harmony with the flow of nature ..

In absence of detailed account of his business deals if i try to think - did he get 'rich' by creative means OR by competitive ways? ..

I also remember hearing further accounts - there came a time in the history of the then bhaarat (or India) - whereby British rulers of those days brought in the rule where the land would be only owned by those who would till themselves .. i don't know exact details - but it was (from what i understand) in favor or laborers (or workers/farm-hands) and thereby against the land-lords ..

in such situation, any farm-hand raising a claim on any land would get to keep the farm which was owned by the land-lord .. to go through the official procedure, they would have to of course go to nearby town where documentation etc would get done and verified ..

so, as per the story, my great-grand-father was going on his horse to the town when 'summoned' in one such case .. and on his way he sees the farm-hand who had filed (& had been fighting) the 'case' against him for a particular piece of land (where he was working for my great-grand-father) .. of course, as yet - he is not the owner yet - and he was walking on foot .. my great-grand-father gives him ride on his horse-back and they both together go to the 'court' - to 'fight' over the ownership of the land in question :-)

this anecdote makes me happy that my great-grand-father was not 'competitive' in this incident - he could have ignored the farm-hand or even worse - he could have shown behavior depicting enmity - but rather he showed kindness towards one who was going to take away land (of course as per the then 'legal' process) :-)

there is no 'competition' to creativity - because thereby we all can 'win'!

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