Friday, 26 October 2012

nature is forgiving :)

recently, we were fortunate to participate in a tree planting activity ... while volunteering, it occurred to me that 'nature is forgiving' (just like mothers) - even if you make a small mistake here and there, the plants will still do well - how comforting, isn't it?

so, don't worry too much about few wrong turns you might have taken in the past - just enjoy the journey and you will have fun :)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

the journey of 26.2 ... and 1000+ miles

Well, it had been more than 2 long years - that i had not experienced the GRACE during a long tiring marathon run (last time was at Boston on 17 April 2010) ... but it brought out the same humbling feeling on the FINISH line of Chicago Marathon on 7 Oct 2012

GRACE was even stronger - i would say - that not only did i get to participate (after few ups & downs during this 'roller-coaster' ride) and complete but i also improved my time by 29 minutes! AND I could meet & greet the winners from all three categories [thanks to the sponsors - TCS :)]

Below is my result table (if you are interested) followed by few pics :)
SplitTime Of DayTimeDiffmin/milemiles/h

I am really grateful for having finished 2 out of the 5

Thanks to everyone (those donated for the cause at - as well as supported/motivated/helped in so many others ways) - it is all those 'small' steps that made up the 26.2 miles :)

Creative (even Crazy)

PS: Yes, I drove from L5B (Canada) to 60605 (USA) and back (which makes up for the 1000+ miles i mentioned in the title) ... i remember, when i was a kid, i used to ridicule people who would drive to a nearby park for their morning jog :)