Wednesday, 27 June 2012

count your days by ...

... the seeds you sow & NOT the fruits you reap! :)

yes, reaping the fruits and eating them is necessary but more important is to sow the seeds today so that you can keep reaping the fruits in future ... just eating your fruits is not sustainable

i think 'pay it forward in advance' is not a choice but the only system!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

money magnifies ...

... whatever good/bad/ugly one has inside :)

[Read this in one of the posts of]

Monday, 11 June 2012

where there is a will ...

Water has always been an important part of Suleiman Muse’s life. After developing polio as an infant and losing the use of his legs, swimming was a key part of his physiotherapy. But as an adult, Suleiman is more interested in what he can accomplish on the water, rather than in it.

Several years after moving to Canada, Suleiman noticed a group of people kayaking. Curious about what it would be like – and consistent with his belief that he can do anything he sets his mind to - Suleiman decided to give it a try.

“It wasn’t easy in the beginning,” says Suleiman “I spent a lot of time in the water! But I like to challenge myself. I put Styrofoam blocks at my hips and strapped my legs together. Once I was able to keep my balance, I worked on my technique and speed, and then started competing.”

[I met Suleiman in person on Jun 5th ... I truly believe there are 'innumerable gems' on the planet earth :)]

Friday, 8 June 2012


every seed comes with the intrinsic power to become a full blown tree; 
every dream comes with the power to materialize :)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

don't just think, FLY!

my latest creation-in-the-cubicle: don't just 'think-out-of-the-box', but 'FLY-out-of-the-box' :)