Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New 2013 & not-so-new ‘happy’ alphabets :)

This new year, I have once again decided to make it even more ‘happy’ :)

I would make extra efforts to make frequest use of the following ‘happy’ alphabets

A – Abundance
B – Bliss
C – Compassion/Care
D – Divinity
E – Enthusiasm
F – Faith
G – Gratitude
H – Happiness
I – Inquisitiveness/Integrity
J – Joy
K – Kindness
L – Love
M – Motivation
N – New
O – Openness
P – Positive
Q – Q…
R – Respect
S – Spirituality
T – Thankfulness
U – Universalism
V – Vision
W – Wisdom
X – X…
Y – Yearning
Z – Zestful

Can you think of better positive/happy words for any of the letters? I am going to fill up/expand the happy alphabets and would love to hear from you (PS: this is from my 2 year old blog - but even more relevant today)

Make every moment in 2013 (& beyond) a ‘happy’ one!!!

Friday, 30 November 2012


Spiritual Story by Unknown

One afternoon Guru Nanak and his company were resting on the banks of the Ganges at Patna. Mardana was idly inspecting a stone he had picked up along the road, thinking of the vast throngs who had come to hear the Guru. "Master," said Mardana, "you teach a way for every person to find liberation. But many of those who listen still seem to spend much of their time in conflict, and in seeking out excitement and other idle pursuits. Why do they waste away their lives so?"

"Most people don't recognize its value," replied the Guru, "although human life is the dearest treasure on this earth."

"Surly everyone can see the value of life," said Mardana.

"No," said Nanak. "Each man places his own value on things according to what he thinks. A different man with different knowledge will place a different value. That stone you found in the dirt will make a good example. Take it to the marketplace and see what you can get for it."

Puzzled, Mardana took the stone to the marketplace and at a stall that sold sweets asked what the vendor would trade for it. The man laughed. "Go away, you're wasting my time."

He next tried a produce seller. "I have paying customers to wait on," said the grocer. "I'll give you an onion for it just to get you out of here."

Mardana tried several more shops with no better response. Finally he came to the shop of Salis Raj, the jeweler. Salis Raj's eyes opened wide when he saw the stone. "I'm sorry," he said, "I don't have enough money to buy your gem. But I will give you a hundred rupees if you will let me look at it a while longer."

Mardana hurried back to the Guru to tell him what had happened.

"See," said Guru Nanak, "how when we are ignorant we mistake a valuable gem for a worthless stone. If someone had told you its value before you knew what it was, you would have thought they were crazy. Such a jewel is human life, and whatever you've traded for it, that is what is yours."

Friday, 26 October 2012

nature is forgiving :)

recently, we were fortunate to participate in a tree planting activity ... while volunteering, it occurred to me that 'nature is forgiving' (just like mothers) - even if you make a small mistake here and there, the plants will still do well - how comforting, isn't it?

so, don't worry too much about few wrong turns you might have taken in the past - just enjoy the journey and you will have fun :)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

the journey of 26.2 ... and 1000+ miles

Well, it had been more than 2 long years - that i had not experienced the GRACE during a long tiring marathon run (last time was at Boston on 17 April 2010) ... but it brought out the same humbling feeling on the FINISH line of Chicago Marathon on 7 Oct 2012

GRACE was even stronger - i would say - that not only did i get to participate (after few ups & downs during this 'roller-coaster' ride) and complete but i also improved my time by 29 minutes! AND I could meet & greet the winners from all three categories [thanks to the sponsors - TCS :)]

Below is my result table (if you are interested) followed by few pics :)
SplitTime Of DayTimeDiffmin/milemiles/h

I am really grateful for having finished 2 out of the 5

Thanks to everyone (those donated for the cause at - as well as supported/motivated/helped in so many others ways) - it is all those 'small' steps that made up the 26.2 miles :)

Creative (even Crazy)

PS: Yes, I drove from L5B (Canada) to 60605 (USA) and back (which makes up for the 1000+ miles i mentioned in the title) ... i remember, when i was a kid, i used to ridicule people who would drive to a nearby park for their morning jog :)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

just 11 more days!

it is already here - Chicago Marathon on Oct 7 :)

did big runs on the past two saturdays - 26km + 20km (feeling good about the self training ... )

and my fund raising goal - is still looking for your generous support ... please help at


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

run is fun :)

another big one to welcome september :) ...

can you guess where is the above route?

PS: Thanks for your support ... it is not as fast as my runs - but i know that slowly i will meet the target with your help! :)

Saturday, 25 August 2012

what did you do on Friday evening?

i ran :) ... from work to home ... just 24+ km ... :D

as i prepare for the Chicago Marahon ... 42 days to go ... will you support me?


Monday, 20 August 2012

my journey so far ... CM2012! :)

I had started preparing for the Chicago Marathon (Oct 7, 2012) long back ...

Just thought of sharing brief training updates for the past two months
18/08/2012 19
16/08/2012 13
11/08/2012 21
09/08/2012 10
06/08/2012 15
02/08/2012 10
31/07/2012 8
27/07/2012 3
21/07/2012 8
18/07/2012 8
14/07/2012 2
15/07/2012 3
10/07/2012 11
07/07/2012 4
04/07/2012 8
01/07/2012 15
28/06/2012 8
26/06/2012 6
24/06/2012 13
23/06/2012 6
20/06/2012 7
19/06/2012 5
... so far, it has been about 250kms :)

during my first bare-foot 21+km training run :) (link to my work out - when i enjoyed the rainbow) - link to my fund raising :)

Friday, 10 August 2012

history repeats? - Chicago Marathon! :)

It has been more than 2 years that I finished my Boston Marathon ...

the reason that I am reminded of it is - I am now going to RUN in Chicago Marathon (on 7 Oct 2012) ...

Yes! It gets attracted again :)

I am member of Team TCS that is committed to fund raise for Stop Diabetes movement ... Will you please help me here?

57 more days to go ... keep watching this space for how my training is progressing ... Thanks to everyone for your wonderful support!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

it was more than just 26.2 miles

[REPOSTED from my earlier blog]

Finally, I conquered the legendary ’heartbreak hill’ at Boston Marathon!

The day arrived and I was in Boston on 17th April …  you can feel the enthusiasm in the air … the hotel was buzzing with Boston Marathon contestants from all over the globe.

When I heard several participants are stuck in Europe (because of the ‘global gridlock’ caused as a result of the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland), I realized how important is the grace of the almighty from all aspects.

Seeing the video of the whole course of the marathon (at the expo on 18th April) did bring up some fears in small little corner of my heart – will I be able to make it? (after it was my first ever marathon run – and i did not get chance to prepare as much as i would have loved to) … the visualization of the FINISH line (through the video) did bring some tears as well.

Woke up the next morning and the weather was just right for the run … I was feeling I was in the best possible shape for this … Walked about a mile to reach the point of pickup from where the school buses ‘transported’ about 25k+ participants to the START line … Many were finding the weather little chilly …

Had to wait for some considerable time (out in the open & early in the morning) before we could get on the buses (but imagine the organization that goes behind the mammoth task) … Enjoyed the bus ride (of about 30-40 minutes) and relaxed as much as possible

On reaching the starting point (athlete’s village), I had enough time to freshen up, get in the running attire and store the things in the baggage area before the Wave 2 (in which I was supposed to start) officially begin to RUN at 10:30 am.

While waiting, borrowed a marker from someone at the last minute and wrote my name on my t-shirt and INDIA on my right shoulder — this really turned out to be a wonderful thing to do. This thing got thousands of spectators to cheer me saying ‘Go HARSH Go’ or ‘Go INDIA Go’ all throughout the course … I was really ‘touched’ (Even literally, oh so many people touched me and i touched so many people on the whole route)

How can I not mention the ‘scream tunnel’ formed by the Wellesley college girls with ‘Kiss me’ placards in their hands – did I kiss anyone? Yes and No – with FINISH line (and my wife) in my mind – I settled with flying kisses … (and later looking at the ‘timing’ that I achieved, I was glad I did not ‘indulge’ – otherwise I might have missed my personal deadline of 6 hours)

27539 Thakkar, Harsh H. M  CANADAINDIA 
FinishPaceProjected TimeOfficial TimeOverallGenderDivision
0:13:32 5:54:2222434130224636

Boston people were really amazing – I was exhausted at couple of places and I do feel i might not have reached the FINISH line without there never ending support. Thank YOU – Boston, Everyone & ALMIGHTY :)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

time is NOT money ...

... it is much more precious !!!

money lost can be earned back - but same is not true for time :)

Friday, 20 July 2012

who needs to let go?

i remember another anecdote from my childhood days:

there is a person who is hugging a tree and then shouting aloud 'please let me go' ... so, a passerby comes up and makes him aware that it is he who has to let go and not the tree ...

the moral is simple - many of us are 'hugging' our fears/weaknesses/problems (that bother us) in the same manner - it is we who have to let go (and not the other way round) - but alas - it is not apparent and visible to us :(

Monday, 9 July 2012

road bumps are not ...

... U-Turns! 

... instead they are opportunities to speed up (or be creative) to reach your destination faster :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

are you 'playing' with your life?

it is summer (yay!) - and we were visiting few natural wonders in the nearby 'city of waterfalls' - where one or two adventurous folks had gone to the edge of the waterfall to enjoy the ultimate (insider's) view ...

there was a group of visitors who were 'shocked' at the sight - and one of them quickly exclaimed - 'these guys are playing with their life!' - when I turned to glance, I noticed that someone amongst them was carelessly enjoying the nature with a lighted cigarette in his hands ... and it took a lot of effort to stop myself from blurting - "isn't smoking as good as 'playing' with one's life?"

It then occurred to me - we are all playing with our life - in some way or other - we may not notice it (the way a third-party onlooker can see it clearly) ... question is not whether or not ... it is 'how'? are we playing in a manner that is 'fun and rewarding' or is the game 'dangerous and draining us' ... 

whatever is the answer you give to your own self - remember this - course correction is always possible - and everything is in your control - you can quickly take charge of your current actions - so that the future results are what you want them to be! :)

how is your game going?

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

count your days by ...

... the seeds you sow & NOT the fruits you reap! :)

yes, reaping the fruits and eating them is necessary but more important is to sow the seeds today so that you can keep reaping the fruits in future ... just eating your fruits is not sustainable

i think 'pay it forward in advance' is not a choice but the only system!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

money magnifies ...

... whatever good/bad/ugly one has inside :)

[Read this in one of the posts of]

Monday, 11 June 2012

where there is a will ...

Water has always been an important part of Suleiman Muse’s life. After developing polio as an infant and losing the use of his legs, swimming was a key part of his physiotherapy. But as an adult, Suleiman is more interested in what he can accomplish on the water, rather than in it.

Several years after moving to Canada, Suleiman noticed a group of people kayaking. Curious about what it would be like – and consistent with his belief that he can do anything he sets his mind to - Suleiman decided to give it a try.

“It wasn’t easy in the beginning,” says Suleiman “I spent a lot of time in the water! But I like to challenge myself. I put Styrofoam blocks at my hips and strapped my legs together. Once I was able to keep my balance, I worked on my technique and speed, and then started competing.”

[I met Suleiman in person on Jun 5th ... I truly believe there are 'innumerable gems' on the planet earth :)]

Friday, 8 June 2012


every seed comes with the intrinsic power to become a full blown tree; 
every dream comes with the power to materialize :)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

don't just think, FLY!

my latest creation-in-the-cubicle: don't just 'think-out-of-the-box', but 'FLY-out-of-the-box' :)

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

world is but a stage ...

... and we all are indeed 'actors' in this giant 'play'

if that is true, people are seldom looking for the 'script writer' who forces them to enact 'unpleasant' role at times -

but let's realize - we ourselves are the 'script writer' - it is just that there is a 'time lag' - so our actions of 'present' will determine what role we have to play in 'future' - be it pleasant or unpleasant - we are ourselves responsible for it :)

Thursday, 17 May 2012

we all loose until we all WIN!

I would like to share a story, in brief – that has been inspiring me since my childhood.

Once upon a time, a bunch of hungry people were put together in a room … and they had lots and lots of delicious cupcakes stacked in the room – but their agony was – they were not able to bend their hands from the elbow … so a few of them started getting restless and attempted crazy things to fill their empty stomachs with mouth-watering cupcakes. Some tried flinging cupcake after cupcake in the air – with the hope of catching it with their mouth wide open – only to get the food smashed all over their face … some even tried bouncing it off the walls. And soon the whole room was a mess – the number of cupcakes had reduced but their hunger & frustration had increased!

And then there was one guy – who hit upon a creative idea. He picked up the best cupcake left with his hand and moved closer to a fellow room-mate and put it in that person’s mouth without the need to bend his own elbow!

Soon – everyone was inspired by this positive action – and needless to say they all witnessed a ‘happy ending’!

I beleive - WE all loose until WE all WIN!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

blessings in disguise

i recently hit upon a thought - there is no dearth of opportunities (they are always present in abundance all around us) ... it is just that they are often hidden in the disguise of 'challenges' ... and hence go unnoticed

so - everything in fact is a blessing - sometimes clearly visible and if not, it is a 'blessing in disguise' - but it is a blessing nonetheless :)

go grab your next opportunity!