Wednesday, 7 October 2020

99 out of 100 is good enough ?!

 just finished '100 days or running' challenge for 2020 ... i could keep the self-commitment on 99 out of 100 days and i am happy ! ... grateful for the daily walks :-)

#comewhatmay was catchy - and that made me interested to explore this in 2018 .. 

2020 was my 3rd consecutive year !! or has one small write-up

Thursday, 1 October 2020

what a day?!

with sun-rise starts one cycle of nature - and it was great to witness a rainbow

Yes! morning rainbow that too without rain was unusual treat i am grateful for :-)

and then in the night - i could witness the full-moon too :-)

Thank you GOD for the beautiful nature around all of us!